terça-feira, 30 de outubro de 2012

terça-feira, 23 de outubro de 2012

Atividades First Conditional

Nome:______________________nº______ Série:__________

 ATIVIDADE AVALIATIVA- FIRST CONDITIONAL (OBS: caneta preta ou azul; rasuras não serão permitidas)

 1-Utilize as regras do First Conditional e complete os espaços utilizando os verbos entre parênteses
 a)If you___________ (help) me with my homework, I ______________ (finish) it in time to go to the cinema.
 b) If it____________ (not/rain), the students _____________ (practice) sport in the playground.
 c) Jane _____________ (come) home early if she________________ (not/be) very busy at work.
 d) Our teacher _______________ (be) pleased if we _______________ (do) our homework.
 e) If Robert____________ (play) football with us, we______________ (win) the match.
d) If we __________ (recycle) more, we ____________ (help) our planet.
 e) If people___________ (share) their cars to go to work, there __________ (not/be) so many car fumes. f) we___________ (save) thousands of trees IF we___________ (waste) so much paper.
 g) If the govenment ___________ (fine) those who pollute the atmosphere, some factories______ (stop) throwing waste into rivers.
 h) If we only ____________ (use) the water we need, we______________(contribute) to our planet's recovery.
 i) If you__________ (not study),you_________ (fail) the test.
 j)we___________(die) IF we__________(not get) help soon!
 k) If you___________(look) in the fridge,you___________(find) some cold drinks.
 l) If there____________(be) no oil in the engine, the car____________(break) down. m)I___________(lend) you my umbrella if you___________(need) it.
 n) The sea level____________ (rise) if the planet____________(get) hotter.
 o) If you__________(eat) your sandwiches now, you____________ (not have) anything for lunch!
 p) You____________(be) safe in an accident if you____________ (wear) your seatbelt.
 q) If He___________ (save) all his money, He_____________ (be able to go) on holiday to Canada. r)I_______________ (not come) with you IF you______________ (not bring) John!

 2- Faça a primeira condicional:Simple Present e Simple Future.

 a)If I__________(go) out tonight, I__________ (go)to the cinema.
 b)If you___________(get) back late, I___________(be) angry.
 c) If we_____________(neg. see) each other tomorrow, we___________(see)each other next week.
d)If He_______(come), I_________(be) surprised.
 e) If we_________(wait) here, we___________(be) late
. f)If we__________( go) on Holiday this Summer, we_________(go) to Spain.
 g) If the weather______________(neg. improve), we___________(neg. have) a picnic. h)They__________(go) the party IF they__________(be) invited.
 i) If I____________(neg.go) to bed early, I________(be) tired tomorrow.
 j)If we_______________(eat) all this cake, we______________(fell) sick.
k)She__________(stay) in London IF she____________(get)a job.
 l)I f you________________(neg.want) to go out, I__________(cook) dinner at home. m)I______________(come) early, IF you_________(want).
 n)He___________(neg.get) a better job IF He_________(neg.pass) that exam.
 o)She ___________(cook) dinner IF you___________(go)to the supermarket. p)They____________(go) on Holiday IF they______________(have) time.
q) She ____________(take) a taxi IF it____________(rain).
 r)I_______________(neg.go) IF you_______________(neg.come) with me

. 3.Complete as frases com o final mais apropriado de acordo com as regras do First Conditional.
 Ex: If I have time,I Will go. (Se eu tiver tempo, eu irei)

 a) If we keep polluting our planet...
 b)If we use recycled paper and glass..
. c) Children will be aware of the importance of recycling...
 d) If you have a shower instead of a bath...
 e) If the environmental issues are taught at school...
 4-As expressões abaixo estão na primeira condicional. Traduza-as.

a)If we take John, he'll be really pleased.
b)If you give me some money, I'll pay you back tomorrow.
 c)If they tell us they want it, we'll have to give it to them.
d)If Mary comes, she'll want to drive.
 e)If I go to New York again, I'll buy you a souvenir from the Empire State Building.
 f)If he's feeling better, he'll come.
 g)If she hasn't heard the bad news yet, I'll tell her
 h)If I see him, I'm going to tell him exactly how angry I am.
 i)If we don't get the contract, we'll have wasted a lot of time and money.
 j)If he comes, you can get a lift home with me

Trabalho Mensal-8º ano A

Nome:________________________Nº________Série:8º ano A

 OBS:Many e Much são utilizados para relatar quantidades.
 How much = quanto custa
 How many = quantos são.
 Many é usado para algo contável.
 Exemplo1: How many apples do you have? (Quantas maçãs você tem?)   Much é usado para algo incontável ou dinheiro.
 Exemplo 2: How much is this book? (Quanto custa esse livro?)

 ATIVIDADES 1) Complete as frases com How much ou How many. Observação: não se esqueça de começar a frase com letra maiúscula e escrever o numeral por extenso. Observe o modelo abaixo.
 How many dolls do you have?
 How much is this schoolbag?
 ___________________Is this Orange?
 _____________________ you have?
 ___________________Cars you have?
 ____________________kites you have?
 __________________________is this train?
 ____________________is this sweater?

 2-Utilize o Google Tradutor e monte um vocabulário com as imagens e/ou palavras do exercício anterior. (Ou seja, coloque as palavras em inglês e traduza-as).

 3-Realize as operações matemáticas abaixo e coloque os resultados em inglês por extenso. (Cardinal Numbers)

 4-Crie mais 5 operações matemáticas e coloque os resultados por extenso.(Modelo nº3)

Trabalho Mensal-1º ano A e B

Série: 1º A e B
 Professora: Regina R. Maciel – Língua Inglesa- turno: Matutino 

*Respostas a caneta preta ou azul; rasuras não serão permitidas.Valor:10,0.Será recebido apenas na data combinada;Se preferir, poderá ser feito em dupla.

1)Coloque as frases abaixo na forma negativa.(Simple Future)
 A)I´ll have a blood test.
 B) He will drop by to see us.
 C)She´ll tell us about it.
 D)They will try to cash the check.
 E)You will have to change Jobs.
 F)I´ll get a loan from the bank.
 G) He Will have to take this medication.

 2-Coloque os verbos entre parênteses em sua correta forma, utilizando o Simple Future.
Jim asked a fortune teller about his future. Here is what she told him:

 a)You_____________________a lot of money. (earn)
 b)You______________________ around the world. (travel)
c)You_________________________ lots of interesting people. (meet) d)Everybody______________________ you. (adore)
 e)You_____________________________ any problems. (have-neg.)
 f)Many people________________________ you.(serve)
 g)They____________________________ your wishes. (anticipate)
 h)There_____________________ anything left to wish for.(be-neg.) i)Everything_____________________ perfect.(be)
 j)But all these things_______________________ if you marry me. (Only happen)

 3-Observe o quadro abaixo e a seguir, traduza cada uma das expressões:
*O uso de some,any é válido para o emprego de seus compostos. 
uso                           Tradução:

 4-Após ter feito a tradução, marque a alternativa que melhor completa as sentenças abaixo:

a)My husband thinks__________is more devoted to my kids than I am.
 ( )somebody
( )nobody
 ( )somewhere

b)Louis couldn’t find___________DVDs in this locker.In my opinion, they might be________else in his office.
 ( )no,somewhere
( )any,anything
( )any,somewhere

c)Can____________go wrong while I am gone?
 ( )anything
 ( )anywhere
( )something

d)The coach didn’t imagine__________would play as well as Bart.
 ( )nobody
 ( )anyone
( )anything

e)You have traveled the whole world! Is there__________you haven’t been yet?
( )somewhere
( )nowhere
( )anywhere

 5-Circule ou sublinhe as expressões em negrito que melhor completa as sentenças abaixo:

 a)The bird hasn’t drunk any/some water today.
 b)Did you watch no/any films last month?
c)I have some/any news for you.
 d)Steven is going to answer no/any e-mails tomorrow.
 e)There is no/any reason to worry about Dan.
 f)He has received many gifts, but his wife has received no/none.
g)Would you care for any/some finger food?
 h)Bring some/any recyclabe material next class.
 i)If you have any/no suggestions, contact me.
 i)We seldon eat no/any fattening food.

 6-Relacione as colunas:
 1-I could finish my homework
 2-Do you speak
3-She never
 4-They don’t have
 5-I have had

 ( )any children
( )no difficulty understanding her
( )without any help
( )any other languages?
( )does any work in the house

domingo, 21 de outubro de 2012