segunda-feira, 18 de maio de 2015

Revisão Present Perfect Tense - 9º Ano B

PROVA DIA 21/05/2015.
1-Utilize os verbos entre parênteses, colocando as frases no Present Perfect Tense.
a) I__________________ to Paris twice. (BE)

b) they ______________________________ French.( STUDY/NEVER)

c) I___________________________ the Art Museum many times. (VISIT)

d) Paula ________________sushi once or twice.(TRY)

d) they _________________________ this TV show.(WATCH/NEVER)

e) John __________________________ fishing several times.(GO)
2-Marque a opção que completa a frase “I ________ my key yesterday, so I couldn't
get into the house. Eventually, I found it in my jacket pocket.” 
a) have find
b) have
c) lost
d) lose
e) have lost

3- Assinale a opção que melhor completa a frase “She had to repeat the composition
because she has _________ a lot of spelling mistakes”. 
a) do
b) made
c) did
d) be

e) don´t
4_We ___________ for this seminar since last year. A forma verbal que complete essa
frase é: 
a) have wait
b) wait
c) has waited
d) have waited
e) waited

5- Use o Present Perfect Tense para completar os espaços: 
a)Raefael Nadal _________________________ (be) born in Manacor, in
1986. He _________________ (win) four French Open titles. In 2008, Nadal ________________________ (become) the second Spanish man to win Wimbledon.  Since 2004, Nadal __________________ (be) a strongcompetitor to Roger Federer. They __________________ (play) against each other in seven Grand Slam finals. Nadal
__________________ (win) five of them. Rafa _________________ (play) the Davis Cup with the Spanish team four times. They __________________ (win) the trophy
in 2004 and 2008. Some trivia about him: He ____________________ (begin) playing tennis when he was five. He _____________________(play)always with his left hand although he is right handed.

6_Explique como ocorrem as ações no Present Perfect.
7-Qual é o verbo auxiliar que acompanha esse tempo verbal?

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