*respostas apenas à caneta preta ou azul;
não responder a lápis; não usar corretivo. Poderá ser feito em duplas;
entregar no dia 17/04.
1.Complete com o
artigo a ou an:
a)Jody has _____ dog.
b)Let's sing ____ song.
c)Kate needs ______ new desk in her room.
d)I need _____ blue pen.
e)Paul has ____ old bike.
f)Robert has ____ aunt in Berlin.
g)We listen to ____ English CD.
h)She has _____ exercise book in her school bag.
i)The speed of this car was 160 miles __ hour.
j)They finished
____ unit.
2.Marque as
alternativas (com x) que estão preenchidas incorretamente com os artigos A ou
a)There is an green English book on the desk.
b)She's reading a old comic.
c)They've got an idea.
d)He is drinking an cup of coffee.
e)The girl is an pilot.
f)Leipzig has an airport.
g)This is an expensive bike.
h)Look! There's an bird flying.
i)My father is a honest person.
j)My friend likes to be an astronaut.
3.Traduza as frases:
a)I have an good idea.
b)That is interesting job.
c)He always likes a piece of chocolate.
d)There is a nice girl in the red car.
e) She didn't get
an invitation.
f)I saw an eagle at the zoo.
4.Quais são as
palavras em que a letra H tem “som mudo”?
5. Leia o fragmento textual para responder às
Children’s Day Around the World
Children’s Day is celebrated on different
days in many places around the world. As all of you may know, Children’s Day is
a day to honor children. Here in
Brazil, Children’s Day is celebrated on
October 12th, which coincides with Our Lady of Aparecida’s day, Brazil’s Patron
Saint. That’s why it is also a national holiday.
In the United States there’s no official day
to celebrate Children’s Day. However, they usually celebrate it before Mother’s
and Father’s Day. So, in 2011, Children’s Day in the US was observed on June
12th and next year – 2012 – it’ll be observed on June 10th. So, it may become a
tradition to have it usually in June. (…)
a)Qual é o
assunto do texto?
b)Retire do texto a palavra escrita com H a qual o som é de vogal.
b)Retire do texto a palavra escrita com H a qual o som é de vogal.
c)Retire do
texto todas as referências a datas. (dia, mês, ano)
d)Copie um
exemplo em que foi usado um artigo (a, an).
e)Retire do
texto dois substantivos próprios:
f)Quais os meses
do ano que são citados no texto?
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