sábado, 8 de junho de 2013

Recuperação paralela - 1º A e B

1-Utilize as regras do Simple Present e complete os espaços com os verbos entre parênteses:

a)Mary and Paul.........to college in the morning.(Go)

b) ..............you ................him? (like)

c) ..............she .................. TV at night? (watch)

d) John ................... his car every weekend. (wash)

e) You ....................... speak Greek. ( neg -speak)

f) Lucas ................ apples. (like)

g) ..............Lucy ................ at Petrobrás? (work)

h) ................. they .................. in New York? (live)

i) What  time ....................we ........................? (go)

j) ............she .................... every Saturday? (come)

2-Passe as frases a seguir para as formas negativa e interrogativa:
a)She drinks coffee every Day.
b)They live in teepees.
c)He plays in goal.
d)He teaches physics.
e)We get wool from sheep.



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