quinta-feira, 5 de junho de 2014


Consultar as regras no livro didático e exercícios resolvidos no caderno e resolva-os. Entregar na quarta-feira, dia 11/06. Respostas à caneta preta ou azul; rasuras e respostas à lápis serão desconsideradas.
Valor: 2.0

1-Utilize os verbos entre parênteses, colocando as frases no Present Perfect Tense.
a) I_____have been_____________ to Paris twice. (BE)

b) they _________have never studied_____________________ French.( STUDY/NEVER)

c) I______have visited_____________________ the Art Museum many times. (VISIT)

d) Paula ______has tried__________sushi once or twice.(TRY)

d) they _____have never watched____________________ this TV show.(WATCH/NEVER)

e) John __________has  gone________________ fishing several times.(GO)

2- Consulte as regras e complete com SINCE ou FOR:
a)    She has lived here ___since__________ 1980.
b)    She has lived here __for___________ twenty years.
c)    They have been at the hotel ___for_________ a week.

d)    They have been at the hotel ___since___________ last Tuesday.

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