quarta-feira, 6 de março de 2013

Trabalho mensal - 1º A e B




OBS: respostas somente à caneta preta ou azul; rasuras não serão permitidas; o trabalho será recebido apenas na data combinada e na folha original; Individual ou em dupla.Consulte seu caderno,dicionário, livros.Valor:10,0.BOM TRABALHO!!


1-Complete os espaços utilizando os artigos: a, an ou the:

1. There is______ excellent doctor in_____hospital I know.
2. He is_______university student.
3. We are_________champions.
4. It is_____honor for me to be here.
5. I'll be back in_________hour.
6. I think this is_____end of_____story.
7. Are you______manager of this company?
8. He is________good father.
9. She is________great friend.
10. We are from ______USA.

2-Observe as palavras em destaque e separe quanto à classificação de subject ou object pronouns:

Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart....In 1718 the Austrian emperor Joseph II appointed him court composer. He spent Money as fast as He made it... to visit Mozart, who was alredy a famous composer, and ask him for advice...”But you composed symphonies...” “Yes”, agreed Mozart, but I did not ask anyone how to compose them.



3-Marque a opção em que melhor completa as sentenças: subject ou object pronouns:

a)Global warming is a problem that affects all of ______.

a)(  )we              b) (   )us       c)(  ) him

b)Juliet loved Romeo. She loved _______.

a) (  )He     b)(  )they     c) (  ) him

b)Romeo loved Juliet. He loved _______.

a) (  ) they    b) (  ) she    c)(  ) her

c)That message is not Just for ______. It is for ______ too.

a)(  )I;we      b)(  )me;them       c)(  )He; they

d)Emperor penguins are birds, but _________ are not able to fly.

a)(  )them   b) (  ) it     c)(  ) they

4- Passe as sentenças abaixo, em que foi empregado o verbo To Be no Simple Present, para as formas negativa e interrogativa.

a)I am a student.



b)The world is a small place.



c)We are important.



d)Bob and Mary are Brazilian.



5-Complete observando as regras do uso do pronome definido THE. Se não houve necessidade de seu uso, marque um X no espaço.

a)We went to___ cinema.

b)We usually have___ dinner at seven o'clock.

c)He plays___ tennis very well.

d)Can you play___ guitar?

e)This is my last year at___ school.

f)Jane loves listening to ___radio.

gThey went to London by____ plane.


6-Use o verbo To Be no Simple Past.(was/were)


a)I________on teh Island last month.

B)The cars_________American.

c)James_________a good student.

d)That problem _______difficult.

e)You__________at school yesterday.

f)You and I__________at work two hours ago.



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